Friday, June 9, 2017

Are you a do-gooder liberal bigot?

The Philadelphia Student Union exists to build the power of young people to demand a high quality education in the Philadelphia public school system. We are a youth led organization and we make positive changes in the short term by learning how to organize to build power. We also work toward becoming life-long learners and leaders who can bring diverse groups of people together to address the problems that our communities face.

Hiram Rivera is the Executive Director of the Philadelphia Student Union.  Hiram Rivera is a native of New Haven, CT, a father, an activist, and an organizer. He started his career in youth organizing as a coordinator at Youth Right’s Media in New Haven, training Black and Latino students in video production and campaign organizing around Education & Juvenile Justice issues. He most recently served as Youth Organizing Coordinator at the Urban Youth Collaborative in New York City, where he provided strategic and technical support to the community organizations that make up the UYC, as well as coordinating the city-wide campaigns to reform the NYC public school system.

Hiram Rivera posted this on Facebook today, June 9, 2017:

I attended what will probably be my last school district hosted meeting of my PSU career earlier this week. A meeting of principals, district staff, and advocacy orgs to discuss school discipline and the Code of Conduct. What ensued for almost 2 hours was a marathon venting session by elementary school principals and district staff where they very angrily complained about not being able to suspend and remove kindergartners from class, how they were victimized by the hordes of "knife totting" 3rd graders, how "those kids'" lacked positive role models at home, how "those" parents are just as "violent" as their children and "don't know how to conduct themselves inside institutions and buildings." How the real problem is that "their parents", said in the most soft spoken empathetic tone one would use when describing a helpless creature you can't save, lack "morals" and "values" and are therefore unable to pass those on to their children.
As my time at PSU comes to close I left the district, probably for the last time, reminded that our children go to schools run by people who hate them, and hate their families. By do-gooder liberal bigots and the Black faces who hold their water in the name of being an example of how you too can pull yourself up by your bootstraps. The school district of Philadelphia and a good number of its principals are wicked, wicked people who see our children as godless savages who are inherently helpless and dangerous, and have no problem expressing that openly if you ever have time to sit through one of their internal meetings.
There is no reforming that.
"They send us to school to learn how to be so disgusting. We send our children to places of learning operated by men (and women) who hate us and hate the truth. Burn it."- George Jackson, Soledad Brother

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